Curriculum Framework for Track 1

The course is comprised of 7 training modules. The course aims to equip the participants with necessary knowledge and skills for heritage recovery in post-conflict situations. In order to achieve this aim, the course modules are provided in the following order:

First module (Orientation):
  • Focuses on heritage preservation vocabulary and concepts.
  • Provides a general understanding of cultural heritage and common language between the trainers and the trainees.
Fundamental Recovery Tools and Expertise:
Second Module (Situation and Context Analysis)
Third Module (Assessing Heritage Significance and Values)
Fourth Module (Documentation)
Fifth Module (Damage and Risk Assessment)
  • These 4 modules provide participants with the necessary knowledge and skills for heritage recovery
  • All tools and knowledge provided in these modules are connected with each other.
  • These skillsets are necessary prerequisites for comprehending the recovery modules.

Recovery Process:
Sixth Module (Recovery Planning)
Seventh Module (Recovery Implementation and Monitoring)
  • These modules tackle the recovery process for heritage in post-conflict situations.
  • They introduce recovery planning at a macro level (city and neighborhood levels) from a management perspective.
  • They introduce technical aspects of the recovery process at a micro level (building levels).
  • The relationship between the two recovery process modules should be understood as a continuous cycle.
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