Module 4:Documentation
This module will provide the participants with the knowledge of principles and techniques for documentation and survey of tangible and intangible cultural heritage at the regional, city, neighborhood, and building levels (i.e., topographic site survey, area level mapping, and the documentation and inventory for individual cultural heritage components, oral histories, cultural practices). This will include analysis at regional/city level to identify various historical layers of the city, tracing remains of the historic fabric, traditional infrastructure, and urban patterns. Participants will examine relationships within a geographical context (i.e., the need to build on existing research and publications, old city maps, historical accounts available in various libraries and private collections). Finally, they will apply a variety of tools and techniques to a selected case study to develop a comprehensive set of documentations that could be used for deciding the nature and scope of conservation interventions.
Learning Outcomes
- Understanding: Through lectures, case studies and practical field work at the selected case study site, where documentation has and will inform conservation decision making
- Comprehending: The principles and guidelines through practical application on the case study site
- Identifying: A methodology depending on the project site
- Applying: the methodology using a variety of tools and techniques
- Knowing: professional practice
Topic 1-Introduction to documentation
Learning Objectives:
Topic 3.1-Methods and Tools for Documentation – City and Neighborhood.
Learning Objectives:
Related topics:
Topic 3.2-Methods and Tools for Documentation – Building Level.
Learning Objectives:
Related topics:
Main Instructor: