Module 7:Recovery Implementation And Recovery

This module focuses on the procedural steps and considerations for implementing planned recovery interventions (repair and retrofitting, restoration, reconstruction, upgradation etc.) at micro level (i.e., for a specific neighborhood, building or component).  The participant will develop an understanding of the  basic intervention considerations, including design, material, colour, and intervention techniques and will understand the coordination needed with actors and stakeholders. These skills will be developed based on the proposal completed in the planning module. Review of the stabilization and security measures needed within the framework of intervention implementation will be introduced along with exploring the considerations needed for implementing upgrades and adaptive reuse measures. The role of impact assessment will be reviewed along with understanding how to implement interventions at a project level and how to record the various interventions at the urban, cluster, and building level. The participant will learn the importance of the community and other stakeholders, including local and national governmental bodies, and their roles in recovery implementation and who should participate in the recovery planning and implementation phase.

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Write your awesome label here.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand using information from all previous modules, including values, documentation, assessment, etc. to plan, execute and manage a conservation intervention.
  • Create a comprehensive implementation package at multiple scopes and scales that includes project documents and execution plans, construction schedule, technical specifications in 3-part format, drawings, BoQ, and other technical documents including Health and Safety plan, change orders, site documentation during implementation while using standards to ensure quality ISO, Euro, ASTM, etc.
  • Evaluate proposed interventions against established values and write a concise Heritage Impact Assessment that includes the impacts to values, and mitigations to reduce those impacts while balancing modern infrastructure interventions against historic values
  • Manage an active heritage recovery project while learning to control quality of the implementation, evaluate materials, reject defects, colors, installation.
  • Learn how to write and respond to RFIs, process change orders and adjust the scope of work and financing.
  • Monitor after conservation implementation while influencing post-conservation measures after implementation and developing monitoring indicators.
  • Understand how to evaluate the state of conservation and write related reports for different entities.
  • Implement the Preventive Conservation approach.
  • Learn how to write a maintenance plan.


  • Understand how to plan, execute, and manage a conservation intervention.

  • Learn the instruments of service for implementation at multiple scales and scopes.

  • Assess implementation against the established values (from previous module; HIA).

  • Organize and manage the mechanisms of implementation.

  • Monitor a conservation intervention after implementation.


Topic 1-Introduction to recovery interventions

Learning Objectives:

• Understand using information from all previous modules, including    values, documentation, assessment, etc. to plan, execute and              manage a conservation intervention.
Classroom Activity
Field Activity

 Related topics:

Module 1-Topic 2: Introduction to the key principles and approaches of                                           cultural heritage conservation and management.
Module 2-Topic 1: Introduction to heritage significance and values and their                                       qualifiers.
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Topic 2-Basic intervention consideration

Learning Objectives:

• Create a comprehensive implementation package at multiple               scopes and scales that includes project documents and execution       plans, construction schedule, technical specifications in 3-part             format, drawings, BoQ, and other technical documents including         Health and Safety plan, change orders, site documentation                   during implementation while using standards to ensure quality           ISO, Euro, ASTM, etc
Classroom Activity
Field Activity


 Related topics:

Module 2-Topic 1: Introduction to the international legal and policy documents.
Module 2-Topic 2: Understanding the local context.
Module 3-Topic 6: conflicting and changing nature of values and assessing                                          their loss.
Module 4-Topic 5: Application of Documentation in Heritage Recovery.
Module 5-Topic 1: Identification of Structural elements and analyzing their                                          behavior and design.
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Write your awesome label here.

Main Instructors:

Rand Eppich 
Architectural conservator and heritage documentation consultant, United States
Marwan Al-Heib 
Professor of Civil Engineering, INERIS (Institut National de l’Environnement Industriel et des Risques, France
Frazer Macdonald Hay   
Specialist in architecture for peacebuilding 


Maria Rita Acetoso
Bonnie Burnham
Glenn Boornazian
Gordon Rattray  

Omar Fadhil Hasan