Module 6:Recovery Planning

This module introduces the main aspects of recovery planning for the city of Mosul from a management perspective with due consideration for the principles of sustainable, holistic, and resilience recovery. Participants will understand the wider impact of planned recovery actions on the historic urban fabric /spirit of the city along with the planning principles for recovery. This module will make the participant aware of the effect of current cultural factors on the recovery planning and implementation and will provide guidance on preparing a Master Plan for Recovery. Along with how to prepare a master plan, the roles of the owner, contractor, and NGOs will be reviewed and how they are integrated into the creation of the master plan for recovery. Furthermore, guidelines for new construction will be discussed along with how to develop a project proposal. To understand the financial aspects of recovery, cost estimation, business strategy, and fundraising will be introduced, and how community and stakeholder engagement impact these decisions. After the recovery process, considerations for to regularly manage a site will be discussed.

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Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the specificity of recovery planning in post conflict situations (vs conventional planning).
  • Understand principles and frameworks such as: BBB, CURE, URF, HUL, etc. 
  •  Understand the challenges based/deducted from
  • the analytical phase of the recovery process (documentation, assessments/analyses). 
  • Learn about decision making in recovery planning: establishing criteria and deciding about the type and level of intervention, and future appropriate use.   
  • Learn how to include emerging new narratives, identities, and empowering displaced populations in heritage recovery.      
  • Learn how to estimate costs, developing BoQ, raising funds, business strategies, writing project proposals, etc. 


  • Introduction to the main aspects of recovery planning for the city of Mosul (from macro to micro levels).  
  • Introduction the main frameworks guiding the recovery planning process.  
  •  Learn how to use documentation and analyses at city and building level in recovery planning phase to identifying challenges, establishing criteria in decision making, and prioritizing interventions.   
  • Learn how to decide about the appropriate type of intervention according to conservation principles, values, and condition of the building, and how to establish the appropriate use/function of the building.   
  • Recreate the city’s identity based on collective memory, memorials, displacement, etc.
  • Understand the financial aspects of recovery that include cost estimation, business strategy, and fundraising, and writing project proposals.


Topic 1- Introduction to recovery planning and guiding documents

Learning Objectives:

• Understand the specificity of recovery planning in post conflict            situations (vs conventional planning)
• Understand the main frameworks guiding the recovery planning         process.
Classroom Activity
Field Activity

  Related topics:

Module 1-Topic 4: Introduction to Heritage Recovery.
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Topic 3-Planning principles for recovery

Learning Objectives:

• Understand the challenges based/deducted from the analytical           phase of the recovery process (documentation,                                       assessments/analyses).
• Learn about decision making in recovery planning: establishing          criteria and deciding about the type and level of intervention, and      future appropriate use.
Classroom Activity
Field Activity

  Related topics:

Module 2-Topic 1: Introduction to the international legal and policy documents.
Module 2-Topic 3: Conflict Analysis and its application to heritage recovery.
Module 3-Topic 4: Linking value assessment to different steps of heritage                                            recovery.
Module 5-Topic 6: Assessing and managing risks.
Module 7-Topic 7: Site Management.
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Topic 4-Financial aspects of heritage recovery

Learning Objectives:

• Learn how to estimate costs, developing BoQ, raising funds,                 business strategies, writing project proposals, etc.  
Classroom Activity
Field Activity

  Related topics:

Module 2-Topic 2: Understanding the local context.
Module 3-Topic 3: Collection and analysis of information sources.
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Topic 7-Monitoring and reporting in recovery planning

Learning Objectives:

• Understand the how to implement monitoring and reporting for         evaluating the future recovery needs in planning.
Classroom Activity
Field Activity

  Related topics:

Module 4-Topic 6: Data management and recording techniques.
Module 5-Topic 5: Monitoring and reporting damages.
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Main Instructors:

Cristina Iamandi
Conservation Architect and Urban Planner, Romania
Frazer Macdonald Hay   
Specialist in architecture for peacebuilding 
Elena Isayev
Professor of Ancient History and Place, the University of Exeter, UK.
Thierry Grandin
 Conservation Architect, France 
Amra Hadzimuhamedovic
Architectural conservator, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 


Thierry Joffroy 
Jad Tabet

Omar Fadhil Hasan

Mustafa Khaled Abdel Razzaq