Module 5:Damage And Risk Assessment

The damage and risk assessment module concerns the identification and analysis of damages and risks in historic buildings and sites in the context of post conflict situation in Iraq and more precisely the Mosul city. The main objective of the module is the development of the methodologies for conducting damage and risk assessment for cultural heritage at several levels (the whole city, neighborhood, building, or individual components). Different methods such as observations, measurements, primary and secondary data collection and analysis will be used. Indeed, based on the module 3 on documentation and module 4 on value assessment, this module will focus on documenting and reporting damaged cultural heritage, identification of different types of hazards and the elements at risk at different levels, which will be linked with the planning and implementation of various interventions for heritage recovery). At the end of this module, the participants should develop skills and know-how to link different sources and layers of information to produce technical summary reports on condition and risk assessment and prioritisation of conservation needs. Finally, they should link the value assessment to damage and risk assessment.

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Learning Outcomes

  • Identify different types of damages: functional, architectural, structural and non-structural.
  •  Identify different types of deterioration and decays on materials and surfaces. 
  • Identify, assess, and map the existing damages and deteriorations for different typologies of structures and materials.
  • Assess the consequences of the damages for the safety of people and the security of the site.   
  •  Analyse various physical, social, economic, institutional, and attitudinal vulnerability factors with respect to the various hazards.     
  • Develop critical risk scenarios and develop mitigation strategies, etc.    
  • Prepare the damage and risk maps and integrate them in a global damage and risk assessment of the historic buildings.   
  • Analyse, using know-how, observation, monitoring, calculation, etc. to identify the causes and the consequences.   
  • Design a shoring system for a damaged building. 
  • Analysis the monitoring data to make the right decision for intervention.   
  • Undertake comprehensive risk assessment for various hazards (flooding/fire, explosion, etc.)


  • Identification and documentation of the structural and non structural damages and material

  • Deterioration/decay, and their classification.

  • Mapping and visualising the damages and decay.

  • Analysing the causes and effects for various damages and deteriorations.

  • Analysing the behaviour of a damaged structure.

  • Identification of hazards, vulnerabilities, and resulting risks.

  • Learning the basic methodology for assessing risks to heritage buildings, sites and urban areas based on scenarios.

  • Monitoring damages and risks.

  • Developing and implementing emergency/temporary interventions.

  • Developing and implementing various types of mitigation measures for short and long term (and link these to module 6 and 7 on recovery planning, implementation and monitoring).


Topic 1-Identification of Structural elements and analyzing their behavior and design

Learning Objectives:

• Identify different types of damages: functional, architectural,                 structural and non-structural.
• Identify different types of deterioration and decays on materials         and surfaces.
• Identify, assess, and map the existing damages and deteriorations     for different typologies of structures and materials.
Classroom Activity
Field Activity

 Related topics:

Module 3-Topic 2: Methodology for identifying, assessing, and mapping                                                heritage values and attributes.
Module 4-Topic 4: Monitoring and reporting in documentation.
Module 4-Topic 5: Application of Documentation in Heritage Recovery.
module 7-Topic 2: Basic intervention consideration.
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Topic 2-The application of numerical modeling and the distinct element method for analyzing heritage structures.

Learning Objectives:

• Understand the use of methods to analyse the structural behaviour     of historic buildings.
Classroom Activity
Field Activity

 Related topics:

Module 3-Topic 2: Methodology for identifying, assessing, and mapping                                                heritage values and attributes.
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Topic 4-Understanding and analysis of structural damages of heritage buildings 

Learning Objectives:

• Assess the consequences of the damages for the safety of people       and the security of the site.
Classroom Activity
Field Activity

 Related topics:

Module 3-Topic 4: Linking value assessment to different steps of heritage                                           recovery.
module 7-Topic 2: Basic intervention consideration.
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Topic 5-Monitoring and reporting damages. 

Learning Objectives:

• Analyse, using know-how, observation, monitoring, calculation, etc     to identify the causes and the consequences.
Classroom Activity
Field Activity

 Related topics:

Module 7-Topic 8: Post-completion management and consideration.
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Topic 8-Stabilization designs for damaged structures. 

Learning Objectives:

• Analysis the monitoring data to make the right decision for                   intervention.
Classroom Activity
Field Activity

 Related topics:

Module 7-Topic 5: Designing and implementation of stabilization interventions                                   for heritage building.
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Main Instructors:

Rohit Jigyasu 
Project Manager, Urban Heritage, Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management,
Marwan Al-Heib 
Professor of Civil Engineering, INERIS (Institut National de l’Environnement Industriel et des Risques, France
Salvatore Russo
Professor of Structural Engineering at Iuav University of Venice, Italy
Simon Warrack 
Cultural Heritage conservator, Italy 
Abdelhamid Salah al-Sharief
Chairman, the Egyptian Heritage Rescue Foundation. 


Moataz A. Al-Obaydi

Mustafa Khaled Abdel Razzaq

Omar Fadhil Hasan