Module 2:Situation and Context Analysis

The overall aim of the module is to teach participants to understand and map the context in a post crisis environment, with a specific focus on informing heritage recovery. The module will introduce professionals to methods for conducting a situation and context analysis. It will also teach students to identify and map stakeholders and actors who have a direct or indirect interest, and who may affect or may be affected by the crisis. In addition, the module will cover issues ranging from security risk assessment to legal and institutional framework analysis.  

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Learning Outcomes

  • Basic knowledge of international legal and policy documents related to situation and context analysis (Hague Convention, 1970 Convention, 1972 Convention, relevant UN frameworks, PATH tool)
  • Basic knowledge of relevant Iraqi frameworks (legal, political, social, economic, environmental, including building and planning codes, etc.)
  • Identify gaps in the relevant Iraqi legal framework and compare them to other frameworks.
  • The use of conflict analysis in heritage recovery.
  • Map stakeholders and understand relationships between different actors in heritage recovery and the different degrees of participation and engagement methods.
  • Link peacebuilding and reconciliation to heritage recovery.


  • Introduction to international legal and policy documents related to situation and context analysis in conflict situations.

  • Introduction the local context of Mosul with regards to the conflict.

  • Introduction the methodology for conflict analysis and its implication on heritage recovery.

  • Explanation of the roles of different actors in heritage recovery, their mapping and analysis, and their different degrees of involvement in the process.

  • Understanding the process of peacebuilding and reconciliation and how they link to heritage recovery.


Topic 1-Introduction to the international legal and policy documents 

Learning Objectives:

• Basic knowledge of international legal and policy documents               related to situation and context analysis (Hague Convention, 1970       Convention, 1972 Convention, relevant UN frameworks, PATH tool) 
Classroom Activity
Field Activity

 Related topics:

    Module 6-Topic 1: Introduction to recovery planning and                                                                            guiding documents.

Topic 2-Understanding the local context 

Learning Objectives:

• Basic knowledge of relevant Iraqi frameworks (legal, political,            social, economic, environmental, including building and planning       codes, etc.)
• Identify gaps in the relevant Iraqi legal framework and compare           them to other frameworks.
Classroom Activity
Field Activity

  Related topics:

    Module 3 -Topic 2: Methodology for identifying, assessing, and mapping                                               heritage values and attributes.
   Module 3-Topic 3: Collection and analysis of information sources.
   Module 3-Topic 5: significance of tangible and intangible heritage of Mosul.
   Module 5-Topic 3: Typologies of hazards affecting built cultural heritage.
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Main Instructors:

Amra Hadzimuhamedovic
Architectural Conservator, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Abdelhamid Salah al-Sharief

Chairman, Egyptian Heritage Rescue Foundation.

Elke Selter

Political scientist and heritage conservator, Belgium


Rohit Jigyasu 
Corrado Catesi
Omar Mohammed
Layla Salih
Elisabeth Korinth
Musab Jassim
Emad Hani Ismaeel Al-Allaf